Welcome to Lose Weight With Me
"You can do it if you set your mind to it"

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Our Story and background
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> Our workout routine
> Our thoughts on weight


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This is our story.

I grew up as a tall skinny kid. I was never really interested in food and eating and I was always the one kid you would find outdoors playing in the dirt or driving my bike at a later age.

I was always very active I played hockey for most of my young life. I played sports right up untill I got into Junior High School. That is when I met some pretty bad influences and started smoking and not playing sports anymore. The fact that I started smoking and playing sports never really changed my physical appearance. I was always skinny even when I got to High School. I weighed 140 - 160 pounds. I used to wear a size 28 waist jeans. Around grade 12 I met my now wife Christa.

Christa was probably somewhere around 140 - 150 pounds when I met her. She was a very attractive girl. I was still not really interested in food at that time. We developed this bad habbit of getting Burger King late at night. Then we started eating meales and snacking in the evenings after we had moved in together. I was still fairly slim and I started to work out doing free weights. I developed some pretty good muscle mass.

Three years later we had a son name Matthew. After Matthew was born I came down with mononeucleosis or mono for short. I was sick for a very very long time. For a month straight I could do nothing but sleep and drink liquids. I didn't gain any weight during this month, but I did end up quitting smoking because I figured it was a good time, due to the fact that I could hardly even swallow my own saliva. I had no desire at all to put a cigarette in my mouth. It was the many months of recovery that brought on my excessive weight gain. Christa's weight gain followed her pregnancy. Like many woman she used the I am pregnant excuse to allow herself to eat and be just plain lazy. I know this for a fact, because she admited to me that it was one of the main reasonf for her weight gain.

It took me 6 months to fully recover from mono. By this time I weighed probably around 230 pounds. Man did I feel bad about myself when I looked in the mirror. Looking in discust at my "Spare Tire". I am so tired of hearing people in society say that a spare tire on a man is ok. It's not ok.. At least not to me. Think about what that spare tire is.. It's FAT plain and simple. I never grew up like that, and I sure is hell did not want to go the rest of my life looking like that. How many times do you look at an older man walking down the street with a big gut and say to yourself. "Man I hope I don't look like that when I get that age". Middle age spread to me is nothing but older men getting lazy and not exercising and eating like they should. We place way too much emphasis on eating and not enough on exercise and being active. I mean I am not the most active person in the world.. There are many nights that I sit in front of the TV, but I do exercises at least once a night for 40 minutes. If you want to read about what my workout consists of click here to take you to that section of our site.

Let's bring you to the hear and now.

For many years I lived with the way I look, but I always felt uncomfortable feeling this fat around my abdomen. It felt very unnatural. Like somehing that didn't belong, but I could never get rid of it.

One day last month I woke up in the morning and looked in the mirror in discust.. I suggest you do this.. It may be depressing, but it could be the one eye opener that you need. Stand in front of the mirror naked and look everywhere on your body for fat.

I looked at my stomach and saw that horrible spare tire. I looked at my hips and was disgusted at my loves handles.. My chest was flabby and my butt had no definition.. Just some round thing taking up space in the world.

I decided from that day forward that I was gonna change my life forever. No more were the days of drinking pop everyday and eating take out every second day. It's not to say that I don't eat it once in a while. You have to enjoy yourself sometime, but just don't overdo it. I spoke to Christa that evening and we talked about how wonderfull we would feel if both of us were to lose weight. I told Christa that I would be there with her and we could get up every morning and exercise. So we pulled out our Tony Little tape and began our blind treck down the road to looking better. I decided to go online and find out as much information as possible about health and fitness. So from that moment on and to this day we work out. I won't go into detail about how we work out. If you want that info click here. What I will tell you is that without each others support we would have given up on working out all together.
Don't get discouraged if you don't have a partner or if your partner is not supportive..That is why I made this website. So you can have a place to come and get support on a daily, weekly, monthly basis.

Let me give you my opinions on dieting.

These opinions are formed from reading extensive material from the Internet from very respected health and fiteness websites.

#1 There are no get thin quick schemes.

Most of those lose weight programs that make you live off of nothing and count points etc do not work. That does not mean that you will not lose weight, but what that means is that you will lose weight, but you will put it back on and probably more. I am so disgusted when I watch commercials for weight loss centers that say how their customers lost 15 pounds in 7 days. That brings me to my next point.

#2 Losing weight takes time.

Don't expect to lose 15 pounds in 7 days. It will not happen and if it does it's not fat that you are losing it's muscle and fluids. Losing weight takes time. You should expect to lose about 2 pounds a week. That is a healthy weight loss for most people. You should make losing weight your life-long goal. Stop trying to lose weight so you can look good in 2 months for your class reunion. It took you many years to put that weight on you can't expect to take it off in weeks.

#3 Never ever starve yourself

This is the one reason that people fail when trying to lose weight. I never want you to use the word dieting. Dieting is bad. The one big problem that I had with losing weight, was that I would load my plate up with huge servings. I was so used to doing that growing up, but what I forgot was that my metabolism has slowed down since those days. Lower your portions. NEVER EVER leave the table hungry. That means your body hasn't gotten enough nutrients.

#4 Eat Slow

The other big problem with people is that we are in too much of a hurry. I don't mean eat like a turtle or whatever, but don't throw big amounts on your fork and have to open your mouth wide to shovel it in. Slow down put half of what you normaly would on your fork. This gives your stomach time to relate to your brain when it has had enough to eat.

#5 Never eat late at night.

In my own personal opinion don't eat past 9. This one is kinda common sense. You eat something like a sandwich or whatever after 9. You goto bed your body goes into rest mod. What do you think happens to the calories that you just put in your stomach. Your body is incapable of burning much of it because it is in rest mod. So it turns into fat.

#6 Exercise, Exercise, Exercise

That is probably the biggest problem with society today. "WE ARE LAZY" yes I said it and if you don't want to admit it then you are fooling yourself. If you are overweight I guarantee that you are most likely lazy. I was lazy for many years and my weight showed it. I am not talking about getting an expensive pass to a gym.. I can't even afford that. There are all kinds of alternatives to suit your needs.. I hate walking.. I am just too lazy to do it. So we invested in an exercise bike we bought it for $189.00 Canadian at Wal-Mart last time I checked they were $99.99 US

This is not one of those websites where I tell you that I have a "Six Pack" and I did it in 6 weeks. The reality is that I started about 4 weeks ago and I am working to slimm down and become more healthy. This website will give you all the steps that I am taking to get there. You will see my struggles. I have lost about 15 pounds in the last month, but I look in the mirror and I still see the fat that I have been working so hard to get rid. of



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